What we do
Agriculture and Horticulture Trial Assessments

Comprehensive disease assessments for the agriculture and horticulture research trials sector. We provide on-site analysis of plant samples sent to our lab for visual assessment using microscopy. We also conduct tailored on site visits to your research trial on your request where we carry out assessments and take plant samples for more detailed analysis.
Investigations of Pests and Disease for Gardeners

We offer tailored investigations into your garden plant symptoms, from leaf spots, tissue discolouration, blight, wilting, stunting, dieback, cankers, tumours, abnormal growth, or deformed plant parts. Investigations (subject to location) consist of site visit to your garden to collect plant, soil, and water samples for on-site microscopic examination.
Agriculture and Horticulture Technician Training

We offer onsite training for your agricultural and horticulture research technicians, delivered by experienced field trials technicians. We can provide training in sample collection methods for disease identification and quantification of plot trials, drawing on industry best practice. Bespoke training can be developed and delivered to meet your company’s needs.
Small Group Workshops for Gardeners

Ever wondered how to identify garden problems? Small group workshops enable you unlock the secrets of plant propagation and how to identify pests and diseases that you may encounter in your garden. We can tailor workshops to teach you useful skills such as how to conduct simple soil testing, using keys to distinguish between beneficial insects and garden pests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us
Contact us today to discuss your crop assessment needs and take your agriculture and horticulture endeavours to the next level.
GreenGuard Crop Assessments,
Dunoon, Scotland, United Kingdom
About us
GreenGuard Crop Assessments was founded and is led by Debz Wright. The company provides a comprehensive plant assessment service to researchers and amateur gardeners. We can apply our expertise and meticulous investigations to deliver tailored solutions to clients' needs.
We are based in Dunoon on Scotland's west coast and serve clients across the UK.